I am a Board-Certified Internist practicing for the past 22 years in New Jersey, USA. I had my medical school education in Africa and Internship at the Cornell University School of Medicine at St. Barnabas Hospital, New York City and Residency in Internal Medicine at the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons at Harlem, New York.

Years ago, back at home when I was a child, a particular herb was regularly added to the food we ate. The herb was bland to the taste but it had a strong aromatic scent that seemed to make the food taste better.

The indigenous people believe the herb has myriads of health benefits and its use is widespread among millions of people across Africa and the Middle East and other parts of the world. It is only over the past two decades that the scientific world has began to take a serious look at this herb, a tamarind tree species known by the scientific name Tetrapleura Tetraptera, to investigate the medicinal claims made by the indigenous people.

Recent scientific animal and cell line studies have shown that the extract of the plant improved lipid profile when fed to obese mice and rats. It also has blunting effect on blood sugar levels in high-carbohydrate fed rats and mice. The extract was also found to affect the contractility of isolated vascular smooth muscle fibers, pointing towards the beneficial claims of the natives on its ability of promoting a healthy blood pressure. Other scientific studies showed the extract of the plant prevented treated liver cell lines from dying when challenged with Fenton+ ions, a potent experimental liver poison, while cells not treated with the extract died. Another very important study showed no teratogenic effect, even in very high concentrations, on the bacterial cell lines used in testing for teratogenicity.


I should also add that it has been the usual practice that the indigenous women after child birth would have this herb added to their pot of soup daily for about 3 months. The reason the nursing mothers add this herbal spice to their food is not fully understood but the practice has been ongoing since antiquity. Why?

But best of all, this is a food that has been eaten for generations and is still currently being eaten on daily basis by the indigenous people, old and young, and has had no known side effects reported to date, possibly none whatsoever. There has also been no drug interactions reported.
This plant which in my opinion is one of the rare miracles of nature is being offered to the world as a wholly organic, herbal dietary supplement for promoting lower blood cholesterol, with all the known scientific benefits that go with having a lower blood cholesterol level.

People taking this herb regularly, have reported lower liver enzyme profiles, and report some liver problems visible on ultrasound have resolved.

The scientific and other anecdotal information on this plant and the relevant required laboratory test results from reputable Chemical and Analytic laboratories here in the USA were presented to the FDA, and for the first time in history this novel herbal dietary supplement ZELETI is now available to the people of the USA, finished, sterilized and packaged right here at our factory in Lakewood, New Jersey USA.

There are hundreds of published Scientific Research on this Zeleti plant (Tetrapleura Tetraptera) all of which have shown very encouraging results. Some of these research findings could make informative and interesting reading for anyone who wants to read.

Miracle Herbs Company has no affiliation with these Research Universities or Entities and the Publishers. Please note in some cases, the Publishers may charge fees to access the full published research articles.

Article | 
Volume 2015 |Article
ID 423689 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/423689



Microsoft Word -
2011_10_1_6_Hong.DOC (tjpr.org)

The FDA has not approved this product as a treatment or cure for, or diagnosis or prevention of any disease.

 An application is in process on behalf of the indigenous people under the prevailing Biodiversity Laws, Laws for the Preservation of Native Species and other laws in place for the Preservation of the Rainforests, that the indigenous natives shall remain the sole custodians of this plant, to harvest it from the rainforests and to plant and grow this crop.  Any attempt by any individual or entity to copy or synthesize in the laboratory, the active ingredient of this plant, or to smuggle out and grow this plant out of its natural geographical region, expressly for the purposes above, in an attempt to shortchange the natives and capitalize on this discovery by their forebears would result in legal action on behalf of the natives and their governments with potential civil and other penalties.